Validation of the Level of Educational Teaching for Teachers


Professional License (international registration) to Validate your Level of Educational Teaching at International Level; (Exclusively for Academics / Teachers) with Opportunities to Teach Classes via Online in Various Universities of the World

“This license validates at an international level the Level of Educational Teaching of the Teacher (Basic Education, High School or Higher Education); It includes: Certificate as International Specialist in Teaching and International Certificate”.

Validity: 3 Years

A special amount is offered to educational institutions for the granting of licenses to their teachers (Colleges, Schools, Universities)


Professional License (international registration) to Validate your Level of Educational Teaching at International Level; (Exclusively for Academics / Teachers) with Opportunities to Teach Classes via Online in Various Universities of the World

“This license validates at an international level the Level of Educational Teaching of the Teacher (Basic Education, High School or Higher Education); It includes: Certificate as International Specialist in Teaching and International Certificate”.

Validity: 3 Years

A special amount is offered to educational institutions for the granting of licenses to their teachers (Colleges, Schools, Universities)